Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What would *you* say I should do?

I’m thinking tonight of friends with hispanic surnames, after listening to a former government appointee loudly promising on TV that he means to return to government to facilitate the largest deportation in US history, starting asap after January 20, 2025. 

And who do they mean to deport? It would begin with (*will* begin with, if they think they can get away with it) good Americans I know with family names like Acosta … Aguilar … Cano … Carranza … Cisneros … Contreras … Delgado …Del Rio … Diaz … Duran … Elias … Escalante … Esperanza … Guzman … Hinojosa … Leys … Llama … Lopez … Mejia … Montalvo … Montoya … Morales … Nava … Navarro … Ramos … Reyes … Rodriquez … Sanchez … Santos — and more whose names sound like they *could* fit the bill.

And I’m thinking, If I want to stop government agents from coming for these friends and their children next year, asking about their associates and extended family, and demanding to see their papers, and investigating them, or taking them away for processing if they’re not satisfied with the papers they produce — I’m thinking what should I be doing *this* year – in *the next three weeks* — to keep that from happening….

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