Saturday, July 06, 2024

Poison Control . Donald Trump and Infanticide

 If I were in poison control, I would, I think, be very interested in controlling poison.

Donald Trump said — as a statement of fact — that some Democratic states allow people to execute babies after they're born.

On the facts, that statement, repeated on a number of occasions, is a lie.

Infanticide is illegal in every state. It's difficult to imagine a mentally fit former president of the United States not knowing this. 

The fact that Donald Trump has repeated this lie multiple times, including the nationally broadcast debate on June 27, 2024, indicates that no one in his immediate orbit is telling him the truth ... or, if they are, he's not listening ... or he doesn't have the capacity to comprehend the truth and those around him are not admitting that to the American people.

For more on what makes Donald Trump's statements about infanticide lies — and not misstatements or mistakes — see:

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