Sunday, June 30, 2024

take a breath … it’s right in front of us

I think ... I can't be the only one – or the first — to think this ... there's a perfectly good reason to take a breath, calm ourselves, and see what's right in front of us. 

If it turns out we need a backup candidate, we already have a really good one, and we already elected her for exactly this purpose. 

She is Donald Trump's nightmare — and our dream — an intelligent, accomplished, strong, properly confident woman. A clear- and tough- minded minded thinker. 

A strong legal mind. 

An experienced elected prosecutor 
A solid legislator and an exemplary President of the Senate. 

Great policy and foreign affairs chops. 

Known and respected by world leaders and by the extraordinary Biden Cabinet. 
Fully invested in the Biden Administration agenda for a just and prosperous America. 

If we need her, Kamala Harris already beat Donald Trump, so ... take a breath, and look at who's right in front of us.

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