Friday, July 24, 2020

On a man’s god-given right to mistreat women...

It would be easy to say, “‘Stupid is as stupid does,’ Representative Yoho.”
But it’s almost certainly not just that you behaved stupidly, is it....

1 comment:

  1. This right has ruled the world and still does. We require so little of men as a society. I will also add that the myth of the man out slaying beasts while the woman does what God made her to do, is barely wearing thin although we have women out in the workforce doing what men do in almost every vocation without much of the abusive behaviours most working men continue to display in the home and community. I don't believe most of America could give you a commmon definition of mistreating women. I can only say Go with God AOC and every young woman who is strong enough to be who they are.
