Sunday, January 31, 2016

in the wind | tweets from the space ending 01.31.16

1991-2014, US birth rate for 15–19 year-old females dropped 61%, from 61.8 to 24.2 per 1,000

it ads up | day-to-day e-cigarette advertising impressions + teenagers

sick of political correctness

Yes, some types of screen time are better than others 

Liars, Tyrants + Beers (Oh my!) | What worries parents right now

What's your school district's policy dealing with student-on-student sexual assault allegations

"the crouch before a leap" | a brief history + long view on digital reading
teaching kids to neutralize trolls + haters

87% of US kids 0 - 14 engage in non-screen traditional play each week

Ad features regular girl with regular body | everybody freak out

" appears that Gen Z may not be as enamored with luxury goods as millennials were"

are your kids' favorite Minecraft video channels "family friendly"?

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