Monday, June 11, 2012

Open House | A Monologue in Five Brief Scenes

Open House | A Monologue in Five Brief Scenes is now available at the Kindle Bookstore for Kindle Readers and iPad.

The actor, male or female, sits on a rocking chair and speaks deliberately, affecting the wisdom of dignified age.

Don’t let that description fool you. Open House was first performed one scene at a time in five sessions by a grandmotherly black woman at an event dominated by white middle school and high school kids — it killed. There were misgivings among some conference leaders before the fact, but Olivia, as we called her, was a rock star. After several sessions, the sight of her silhouette seated in the rocking chair as the lights began a slow fade up, elicited cheers from the young crowd. Joanna, the first actor in this role, was taken aback by the number of people — even more adults than adolescents, it seemed to her — who couldn’t seem to grasp that she was not Olivia, and this was not her own story.

All that to say, Open House stands by itself as a one-act, and also performs nicely in the context of a mixed media series progressing through authenticity, love, humility, courage, and faith.

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