Thursday, January 05, 2012

Speaking of Blue Like Jazz...

Speaking of Blue Like Jazzwhich we were not too long ago — I just finished Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.

One of many dirty little secrets I protect (well, not anymore) is that I read a draft of the Blue Like Jazz screenplay and viewed a rough cut of the movie without ever finishing the book. I don't know what to say; I got bogged down; I didn't finish; it's just one of those things, OK?

This newish book — A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better Story — follows the turn in Donald's life after Steve Taylor and Ben Pearson disrupted his routine with an invitation to make Blue Like Jazz The Movie.

"My career, and for that matter my life was stalled before I met Steve Taylor and Ben Pearson," Miller writes. "I am not sure where I would be if it weren’t for their friendship. I certainly wouldn’t have written this book. Thank you for helping me write my story, in more ways than one."*

I mention this because, 1) I really like this book — it's witty and honest and thoughtful storytelling — and 2) reading it over Christmas made me want to see the movie when it opens this Spring.

So, h/t to Jay who was sure I would enjoy this read (he was right); to Amazon who let me sample the book via Kindle before I spent money (which I did gladly after reading the sample); and to Mr. Miller for bringing a remarkable cast of characters to life in his book.

And that's the last fanboy gesture you can expect from me for...I don't know...a while.

* Miller, Donald (2009-08-26). A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better Story . Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

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