Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Prince of Peace in Baghdad

New York Times

"Be careful not to hate the ones killing us because they know not what they are doing. God forgive them."
THE REV. MEYASSR AL-QASPOTROS, at a Chaldean Catholic church in Baghdad

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

FINAL UPDATE: A Letter to My Senators on Good Faith Toward 9-11 First Responders

Dear Senator,

I urge you to press for another vote this session on providing health benefits to 9-11 First Responders and volunteers.

Please call on the opposition to act in good faith and without further delay on this important matter.

Thanks for your leadership, Senator.

Kind regards,

Jim Hancock

FINAL UPDATE: AP reports passage of the bill.

UPDATE: MSNBC reports a deal has been reached in the Senate Wednesday Afternoon. Almost there...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sorority Girls from Hell

We interrupt the regularly scheduled drama to present this thing that still makes me laugh.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Diddy Dirty Money | Coming Home

This woke me from a deep sleep last night. Turn it up.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Louis C.K. | It's Even

What are you complaining about? Louis C.K. does the math on slavery.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

This Economy's Winners and Losers | Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont

Go ahead, ask me who I love more: the middle class, the poor or the rich. 

Never mind, I'll tell you: I love them all. Meaning I have close friends who are rich and poor and in between and I love them all — as I believe we are all loved and valued by our creator. 

Now ask whose wellbeing I worry about.

Not the wealthy...I do not worry that the wealthy won't make it one way or another. 

If we're all in this together — e pluribus unum — then I don't think this is rocket science. Everybody contributes, everybody pays, everybody benefits. Fair is fair.