Friday, November 06, 2009

Letter to Congressman Bilbray | Step Up on Health Care Sir

Dear Congressman,

I urge you to distance yourself from Congresswoman Bachmann and the others who made an empty-headed spectacle of themselves on the steps of the Capitol yesterday.

The Business Roundtable, the Institute of Medicine, the AARP and the AMA are all calling for robust health care reform now and I join my voices with theirs.

You have a singular opportunity to distinguish yourself as one who stands with your constituents in this most critical domestic policy issue. Step up sir.


Jim Hancock


  1. I thought the economy was the most crfitical issue?

  2. I think it's all of a piece. The Business Roundtable report in September 09—and I'm not sure how to get more pro-business than Business Roundtable—paints a vivid picture of"The Perils of Inaction and the Promise of Effective Action."
