Monday, May 07, 2007

designed to work

Entering Free Agent Nation this month, my good friend Toben bought a MacBook to replace the one his former company provided:
I am now officially a Mac fan for life. I turned on the new Mac, it asked if I wanted to migrate data from my old Mac. I did. I plugged in the firewire, hit transfer and 30 minutes later my new Mac looks just like my old Mac. And everything works perfectly. Very impressive.

The genius of the transaction is in the last sentence of Toben's email: I feel like such a techie!

Turn on new computer.
Click Yes button.
Connect to old computer with one cable.
Run errand.
Come back in 30 minutes.
Feel like a techie.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    all I can say is, "designed to work"

