Sunday, February 25, 2024

Saturday, February 17, 2024

They are supposed to represent the best of us.

Your Republican Member of the US House of Representatives will be home for the next 12 days — apparently at a loss about what the US Congress could possibly do to make anything better (or less worse) than it is right now. 

So, maybe drop by their local office, or a town hall meeting, and deliver a note asking why they support — or at least tolerate — the Putin Wing of the Republican Party in failing to protect US national security ... failing to even consider real immigration reform ... failing to act to support US allies who have supported us when we needed them. 

The US Senate is doing good-faith work for the sake of the nation and the world ... why isn't the House of Representatives? I don't think that's what people mean when they call it 'the lower house.'

Maybe suggest that, since Republican Members of the US House don't appear to be meaningfully interested in governance, you would be happy to repatriate them into the private sector and help them seek meaningful service in their local district.

Let them know they can demonstrate good faith by showing up for work early on February 28, and doing the job they signed up for. Maybe they could devise a buddy system to help them stand up the bullies and get the layabouts to put their shoulder to the wheel.

And, if you're a Putin Republican yourself, maybe revisit the Federalist Papers ... the US Constitution ... the Declaration of Independence. There's a lot of good stuff there about why people like Putin (and people who like Putin) are bad role models for creating a more perfect union.