Thursday, August 29, 2019

raising children is not all it’s cracked up to be [updated]

Raising Adults 
Because raising children is not all it’s cracked up to be, is it…. 

Now available for download at NoiseTrade by Paste

A nice thing about NoiseTrade is that you can pay what you can afford — from “I need this book and I’m going to download it even though I don’t have an extra cent right now” ... to “This book is prices way too low and I’m going to pay what it would cost to put my name on a new computer science building at my alma mater.”

Most of us buying books on NoiseTrade fall somewhere between those extremes.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Because I Said So :: 10 Things I Never Say to Kids + What I Say Instead :: Thing 03 Available Now

Because I Said So :: 10 Things I Never Say to Kids :: Why I Stopped + What I Say Instead

Thing 03 Available Now at NoiseTrade  

This 10 Things Single is about how we run to risk of setting children up for abusers if we teach them that the demands of parents and other adults with authority doesn’t need to be reasonable, fair, consistent — or ever subject to review or negotiation.

I get it: sometimes swift obedience is necessary for protecting life and limb. Do you get that that’s best accomplished when children come to believe we will never make unreasonable demands simply because we can?

This is one of 10 Things I Never Say to Kids :: Why I Stopped + What I Say Instead. It’s adapted from the book Ten Things We Should Never Say to Kids.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Turnabout is fair play for American Evangelicals

From two years ago, today, an update that has aged distressingly well.

I have an American Muslim friend — an imam — who is constantly challenged by White Americans to disavow ISIS — which he has done, over and over, without any prompting from people outside his religion, from the moment ISIS raised its ugly head. 
Perhaps turnabout is fair play. Perhaps every White American preacher should disavow White nationalism from the pulpit this weekend and every weekend until everyone gets the message: There is no place for White nationalism in a church that follows Jesus. #nojokeproject #NoWhiteNationalism

Saturday, August 03, 2019


Lament . Resist . Vote . Repeat