Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What would *you* say I should do?

I’m thinking tonight of friends with hispanic surnames, after listening to a former government appointee loudly promising on TV that he means to return to government to facilitate the largest deportation in US history, starting asap after January 20, 2025. 

And who do they mean to deport? It would begin with (*will* begin with, if they think they can get away with it) good Americans I know with family names like Acosta … Aguilar … Cano … Carranza … Cisneros … Contreras … Delgado …Del Rio … Diaz … Duran … Elias … Escalante … Esperanza … Guzman … Hinojosa … Leys … Llama … Lopez … Mejia … Montalvo … Montoya … Morales … Nava … Navarro … Ramos … Reyes … Rodriquez … Sanchez … Santos — and more whose names sound like they *could* fit the bill.

And I’m thinking, If I want to stop government agents from coming for these friends and their children next year, asking about their associates and extended family, and demanding to see their papers, and investigating them, or taking them away for processing if they’re not satisfied with the papers they produce — I’m thinking what should I be doing *this* year – in *the next three weeks* — to keep that from happening….

Saturday, October 12, 2024

If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It, Donald

Donald Trump‘s only tool is a hammer. So, to him, every problem looks like a nail.

Thus, Donald Trump may support the Project 2025 proposal to commercialize vital National Weather Service forecasting

But AccuWeather explicitly does not.


Saturday, October 05, 2024

What I’m Voting For...

These are things I’m voting for in 2024…
  • The rule of law and the future of American Democracy
  • Full legal protection for American women, beginning with health care
  • Equal justice before the law for LGBTQ+ people in America
  • Equal justice before the law for black and brown Americans
  • Sensible, comprehensive immigration law and policy reform
  • Evidence based climate responsibility and care
  • Continuing leadership in the rules based international order
  • Fair taxation at every income level
  • Responsible infrastructure maintenance, upgrades, and innovation
  • The future of Social Security and Medicare
  • Accountability for convicted January 6 criminals
  • The American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act
  • The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act
So I’m voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

How do you talk to young voters?

A colleague asked how I talk to young voters about this election.

Mostly, I’m trying to center questions like:

Given that you won't find perfection in any person or party, on the evidence...

  • Who do you believe is thinking about you and the people you care about? 
  • Who do you expect will ensure your access to the medical care you need? 
  • Who will protect the right to equal protection under law for your brown and black friends and family? 
  • Who will ensure equal protection under law for your friends and family who are immigrants to this country?
  • Who will work proactively to protect the environment and reverse the human causes of climate change? 
  • Who will work to assure the place of our nation *alongside* our allies around the globe rather than in opposition to them or seeking to dominate them? 
  • Who shows the will to resist oppressors on the world stage without fear or favor?
  • Who do you anticipate will work to improve the wages of people who work for a living? 
  • Who appears to understand your contribution to the real economy — as someone whose work contributes to the gross domestic product … as someone who circulates a large percentage of your income in ways that support jobs in the real economy of housing, goods and services,.. as someone who, at a minimum, pays sales taxes that support significant state and local government services….
  • Who has expressed a committment and a plan for fairer access to safe and more affordable housing? 
  • Who shows a readiness to curb the impulses of irresponsible capitalists who don't care who pays the price for their obsession with producing more wealth for the already wealthy — including their willingess to continually punch holes in the economic future of the US for the short term benefit of financial elites? 
  • Who has shown a willingness to protect you from the ravages of unregulated gun violence? 

and so on….

How do *you* talk to young voters about this election?

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Video . Georgia’s former Republican Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan endorses Kamala Harris

Apparently, the Fox News Channel did not air the speeches of Republicans who spoke at the Democratic National Convention.

Here’s Georgia’s former Republican Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan speaking to the nation at the Democratic National Convention, August 21, 2024.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The presidency might be one of those *Black jobs*

 Read it yourself . Michelle Obama’s remarkable address to the nation at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago . August 21 2024


Friday, August 16, 2024

the quiet part out loud

"All we have to do is define our opponent as being a communist or a socialist or somebody that's gonna destroy our country."

Saying the quiet part out loud … how dumb does he think you/we are?

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Poison Control . Flinging Manure at the Wall

Last Thursday, Donald Trump invited reporters to Mar-a-Lago to listen to him talk. What he said wasn't all true.

  • Donald Trump said abortion is less of an issue in the 2024 presidential campaign than at some unidentified time in the past. Women’s access to holistic reproductive health care is not less of an issue . The evidence suggests he is either actively misinforming the American people or he is ludicrously misinformed himself . https://news.gallup.com/poll/645836/record-share-electorate-pro-choice-voting.aspx . https://www.axios.com/2024/06/13/abortion-2024-election-poll . 

If I were in poison control, I would, I think, be very interested in controlling poison.

Monday, August 05, 2024

The Christianists

The Christianists

[a deconstruction]

First they abandon Jesus

Then they abandon Paul

Then the abandon Moses

Before they chuck it all

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Grumpy Old White Guy for Kamala





√ Father



 for Kamala

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Yes Please . Kamala Harris for President

We already elected Kamala Harris for exactly this purpose.

My vote for Joe Biden was always a vote for Kamala Harris ... and Antony Blinken ... and Janet Yellen ... and Jared Bernstein ... and Alejandro Mayorkas ... and you get the picture.... It's one thing to *promise* the best people, and quite another to deliver the best — measured by subject matter competence and accomplishment — as Joe Biden did.

Kamala Harris is intelligent, accomplished, strong, confident.

• A clear-  and tough-minded thinker.

• Solidly GenX

• A strong legal mind — an experienced elected prosecutor and California Attorney General

• A solid legislator in the Senate and an exemplary President of the Senate as Vice President.

• Great policy and foreign affairs chops.

• Known and respected by world leaders, diplomats, the intelligence community, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

• Fully invested in the Biden Administration agenda for a more just and prosperous America.

Kamala Harris is Donald Trump's nightmare ... she already beat him in a general election.

Monday, July 15, 2024

A Prayer at Midsummer




O God










