Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lawn Chair Guy | Five Short Scenes About Me, My Friends + God

Lawn Chair Guy is a collection of short monologues on the challenges and opportunities inherent in communicating honestly and humbly about faith.

The Lawn Chair Guy can, of course be a woman, young, old, and/or more than one person. And he/she/they can sit anywhere, on anything you want. It wouldn’t be called Lawn Chair Guy at all, except that’s how I conceived it when it was first drafted as a scripted film (featuring the talented Brian Boyle) for a conference on...wait for it...the challenges and opportunities inherent in communicating honestly and humbly about faith.

The final scene, The Dog’s Dilemma, was inspired by my old friend Bill Reif and also appears in a book I wrote with the remarkable Brennan Manning, called Posers Fakers and Wannabes. Posers is a remix of Brennan’s book, Abba’s Child.

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