Monday, February 09, 2009

Facebook + Economic Discourse

#1 via Twitter - 4:33pm February 6
Guess I am going to need to save some money if the U.S. Government wants another $700 Billion.


#2 at 4:37pm February 6
How far are you behind on your taxes?

#1 at 4:52pm February 6
We are up to date, but another stimulus package just got passed, so someone is going to have to pay more, and I am guessing my taxes are not going down any time soon.

#3 at 5:02pm February 6
If only the government understood that lowering our taxes would give us more of a reason to spend. Plus, the new stimulus package doesn't even stimulate, its mostly pork repaying people who help Obama win! I feel your pain.

#4 at 5:14pm February 6
Come on. Read up.

#1 at 6:17pm February 6
#4 - don't leave us hanging, what are we supposed to read?

#1 at 6:24pm February 6
Including this package, the government has already given out more money in "stimulus" than we spent on the entire Iraq/Afghanistan war.

#5 at 7:26pm February 6
here's what we all need to read, to understand all the useless pork in this bill:

#4 at 8:57pm February 6
i think the Congressional Budget Office 25 page, plain English, report of Feb 2 is pretty clear about where the money is administered and how fast it gets spent. two things worth noting: 1. we're in the fifth month of fiscal 2009, 2. this report is in plain English but written on the assumption that the readers (Members of Congress) have sufficient background to know what and where, for example, would be the economic advantage of spending $9bn to extend broadband Internet services and why that money might be spent at a lower annual rate than, say, $3.4bn to repair, maintain and renovate Dept. of Defense facilities. None of it is rocket science (except the NASA parts) but it does assume interest in and consumption of a modicum of nonpartisan research and journalism. The CBO report is here:

For background, i appreciated Jeff Madrick's How We Were Ruined & What We Can Do in Feb 12 New York Review of Books:

End of Thread.

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